July 27, 2024
  • July 27, 2024

Sex & Relationship

Unprotected sex (bareback sex)

by on September 25, 2021 0

Safety first Condoms are one of the most effective and reliable ways of preventing the spread of HIV (and many other STIs) when you fuck. There are other ways of reducing the risk of HIV being passed on if you don’t use condoms when you fuck; some of them are more effective than others. We...

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Like a Virgin

by on September 25, 2021 0

FUCKED FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME… Whether it was mind-blowing, breath-taking, nauseating, anticlimactic or just plain traumatising, your first bit of hanky panky is something that will stay with you forever. It’s not always like a movie, soft focus with barely-contained heavy breathing and flattering lighting, often it’s not even a Queer As Folk-like...

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How to get fucked

by on September 6, 2021 0

Most gay men get fucked at some point in their lives, although research indicates that about one gay man in seven has never experienced it . For some men, the thought of getting fucked can be scary, and so below you will find information about how to do it safely and comfortably. However some men do...

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Are we ‘Generation Bareback’?

by on September 6, 2021 0

It’s been 35 years since the New York Times reported on a ‘rare cancer seen in 41 homosexuals’ – an article from the summer of 1981 that’s considered the first major news story about HIV/AIDS. A generation of gay men have since grown up with condoms and safer sex campaigns a familiar part of...

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